
Update Facebook Status from Your Own Application

Have you ever seen in your friends wall or somebody else in Facebook that update status from: bla bla bla or a name that looks strange like this picture bellow.

You can make your own application like that, bellow are the way to make an application to status updat on facebook.

1. Login to your facebook account
2. open this address in another tab http://www.facebook.com/developers/createapp.php
*Fill the application name as what you want e,g OCTOPUS office
* choose agree Agree
* Create Application
3. Will be appear A picture like this
4. Click link edit setting if you want to upload icon application, this icon will appear udner the status
5. change your icon, upload picture,save change
6.Back To the main page ,then copy the ID application
7. go to this address http://www.facebook.com/widgets/livefeed.php?app_id=xxx change  xxx with your application ID
8. open that in new tab
9. Click “Update your status about this event”, fill test status, Klik post
10. Finish..

GOod Luck


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