Three Sukhoi Technicians Found Dead in Indonesia
Two Sukhoi technicians SU 27 SKM type was rushed to Sudirohusodo Wahidin Hospital, Makassar, Indonesia. Previously, three of their colleagues from the warranty team, died allegedly due to poisoning.
They diwarat intesntif by a medical team led by Prof. Dr. Andi Fahrudin. Kedunya room was heavily guarded by security hospital. None, including journalists, may enter the room.
Dr Khalid Salih, one of the doctors who handle these two technicians mengemukan, it has formed a team to handle both diterita disease.
"We refer to previous cases (three Sukhoi assembler who died. We already give the stolen infusion, blood tests and their heart, as well as intensive monitoring," explained Khalid.
Diagnosis temporary, he said, the cause of illness suffered by two technicians is derived from food beverages. "Because there are complaints related to dyspepsia (indigestion) and related sepaldia (headache)," he added.
It is also now awaiting a team of doctors from Russia in the near future soon arrive in Makassar to see lagsung both conditions. "(Team doctors from Russia) is in the journey," he concluded
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