
Student Victim of Sex Video Suicide

Student victim of sex video online at Rutgers University, United States, choose the path of suicide. He ended his story with a free fall from the bridge.

Victim named Tyler Clementi seemed ashamed keep strong. He is not the power to prevent recording intimate activity is widespread on the internet.

DetikINET As quoted from the Telegraph, on Thursday (09/30/2010), Clementi died after jumping off the George Washington bridge. He posted the last message on Facebook, telling would jump off a bridge.

Video sex between Clementi with a guy in the dorm room, filmed a hidden camera. The camera was placed by two other students, and then broadcast live on the internet.

Tyler Clementi known as Rutgers University student who entered with a scholarship. He recently took college there before committing suicide.

Two students who record the deeds Clementi intimate in a dorm, namely Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei, has admitted his actions. They arrested the local police to undergo the legal process.

On the other hand, homosexual groups in the United States condemned the case. According to them, the victim's death due to any hatred of gays
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