
Auto Generated Content Blog

Auto Generated Content (AGC) blog / website that generated content automatically, its different with auto blog (auto posting) such as wp-robot and other plugin. In auto generated content usually the contents is generated by user keyword or visitor keywords.

It use what called as API of search engine (BING, Yahoo, Google). If a visitor came into a blog from search engine, the keyword will be recorded into a database, than that keyword will generate a content that taken from search result from search engine, usually the content results is appear in search result of a blog or in search.php in a theme.
What plugin are needed ?
It needed plugin that catch keyword usually use search terms tagging (STT) and then edit or modify search.php in the theme that used.


Design by The Blogger Templates

support for Angry Birds | thanks to google.com | bodonk | live stream by eckapuss 2010