
Oprah Winfrey Accused Tracing

Talk show host Oprah Winfrey received a serious allegation. A man suing Winfrey to court for plagiarism, or plagiarism has been doing his work.

Reported by ABCNews, on Friday (29/10/2010), the lawsuit filed by Charles Harris. Harris is the author of a booklet entitled 'How America Elects Her Presidents'.

Harris said his work sent 10 copies of it to the event that brought Oprah, The Oprah Winfrey Show, in 2008. At that time, Oprah was just starting his support for Barack Obama.

The man wished to give Oprah a photocopy of his work, he could get free promotion. After sending the booklet, he had several times to send a letter. But at that time no one responded.

Never gets the news, Harris was surprised when Oprah read the questions exactly as written in the booklet. It happened in the show Oprah, February 16, 2009.

Harris also accused Oprah bookletnya trace. He also accused the women's 56-year copyright infringement. The demand was dilayangkannya the Pennsylvania District Court, the United States.

"Oprah has undermined the reputation of my business and my good intentions," he said.

In its claim, Harris also requested compensation of $ 150 thousand of plagiarism that have been done Oprah. When the demands of Harris confirmed on Oprah, his spokesman could not comment.


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