
Asus Preparing Cheap Tablet PC

Apple iPad will again be the arrival of "big room" in the world of tablet PCs. Asus recently announced the presence of three new touch-screen tablet, two tablets tablets 10 inches and 12 inches. Interestingly, one 10-inch tablet PCs will come with the Android operating system.
In the official statement, Asustek Computer Inc. CEO, Jerry Shen has said it will launch in March 2011 with low prices.
Unmitigated, Taiwanese computer manufacturer that membanderolnya a price below U.S. $ 399, or the equivalent Rp3, 5 million to the bottom. Tablet-based Eee PC Andorid only one of several tablet PC that will be launched Asus next few months.
While other models are touch-screen tablet PC will be launched approximately 12 inches in December. The possibilities for this one Asus mematoknya with prices quite expensive, ie U.S. $ 1,000 or equivalent Rp9 million per unit.
The reason, Shen said that Asus complement this with a tablet PC docking station (cradle) that can 'turn' the tablet into a laptop device. This device will be called the Eee Pad EP121 and operate a Microsoft operating system Windows 7 Home Premium. He is also powered by Intel Core 2 Duo processor.
While price is less interesting because it is expensive, Shen claims will focus on improving the feature prior to launch Eee Pad in order to compete with Apple iPad. Unfortunately, he was reluctant to expose more detail.
Tablet PCs third, named EP101TC, will appear with screen sizes 10 inches and an operating system based on Windows Embedded Compact 7. He is powered by an ARM processor CPU with 64GB of storage media. The price will range between U.S. $ 399 up to U.S. $ 499 (Rp3, 5 - 4.5 million). 101TC EP appeared in January 2011 estimated


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