
Things You Must Think Before You Decide TO Suicide

Bad things can happen to everyone. Sometimes, when feeling was at one point did not find a way out, the thought there is no reason to continue living.

This condition is experienced by many Korean celebrities. Fame, money and luxury was not brought happiness to a number of Korean artists and actors. Many of those who suffered depression and committed suicide. Among other things, Seung Woo Yoon, Ja Jang and Kim Yeon Ji Hoo.

But, is it true solution is suicide? If you have suicidal thoughts, please know it is the first sign that there is a serious problem, and you need to get help.

Before you decide to end your life, know 10 reasons not to commit suicide, and instead focus on the reasons why you should commit suicide, as quoted from Methodes of Healing.

1. The situation will change
Any conditions will always change, including even the worst case and you can not find a way out. There is no problem that can not be solved with the passage of time surely you could think clearly for at least find a way out.

2. Permanent effect
Suicide permanent effect and can not be 'corrected'. Life is a choice and you must make a decision. For that make smart choices, even if you make a mistake when taking a decision at least it could be "improved".

3. Hurt others
With suicide sebenannya you wanted to run from the pain or the situation is very bad. However, it actually hurt the people around who loves you.

4. You have the power
Every human being has the power to determine what happened in her life. If you decide to commit suicide means you remove the power possessed. Use the remaining strength to live and work for a better life, whatever the current conditions as bad at least you still have strength to think clearly.

5. Enjoy the process
And what is perceived now, you have the unique ability to help others who feel like you. Use your life to make other people's lives for the better. Enjoy every process in life, whatever it is bitter.

6. Focus your mind on things that are beautiful in your life
If you commit suicide, will no longer be able to enjoy your favorite foods, movies, and doing other fun things.

7. Lead role
Every person has their own role in his life, including you. If you leave this world, there will be big changes on the lives of others around you, even if you do not realize.

8. Study
Many successful people who were born from a situation that is very bad. Make your weight problem today as a learning experience that takes you on a success.

9. Your role in the lives of others
You could be the reason for others to stay alive to this day. You do not know what happened later, and for what your benefit to another person.

10. You are not alone
Registration of any sense of solitude and loneliness that you experience, you're not alone. There are many people out there who want to listen to you, but you are afraid to tell the story. Look for other people that you trust and ask for assistance.


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