
BlackBerry OS unused on the BlackPad

Rival BlackBerry device iPad tablet computer, BlackPad, is not expected to use the BlackBerry operating system OS.

As quoted from CNet, Research In Motion (RIM), the Canadian BlackBerry maker vendor, it will grow besutan QNX Software Systems software as its operating system in BlackPad.

QNX Software Systems itself is a company that was acquired by RIM in April. At the time of acquisition of QNX, RIM is committed to increasing the use of an integrated experience between smart phones, car audio and infotainment systems.

QNX Software besutan itself is used in various types of applications, ranging from the BMW vehicle navigation applications, to software for the six-wheeled vehicles unmanned tanks owned by the U.S. military, which is created by Carnegie Mellon University in 2006: Crusher tanks.

Clearly, this step can be regarded as an attempt to conduct refresher RIM to BlackBerry devices to challenge Apple's flagship products like the iPhone and iPad.

BlackPad itself will be equipped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. BlackPad will not be able to connect to the network provider directly, but must be connected to the phone via Bluetooth first, to be able to access the 3G network.

RIM menggadang square off the new tablet computer that can sniff of the steps they recently bought BlackPad.com domain. BlackPad tablet size is expected to equal the size of the Apple iPad, and the plan would glide on the upcoming November


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