
UFO sightings on Semarang Indonesia

UFO sightings on Indonesia
an Unidentified Flying Object aka UFO have seen by a young boy at Semarang Indonesia. Sambiroto young people, Kedungmundu, Semarang, Central Java said she saw the object hovering in the sky like a UFO. He took the initiative to record it using a video camera.

 Results astonishing record. Visible foreign matter and then spinning silently hovering in the sky. For an hour the young man to record the activity that strange thing, after he saw through the binoculars held.
According Dantok, rare events that occurred on Thursday, August 12th, 2010 at 23:30 pm. He also claimed to have several times seen a UFO-like object was hovering above his house.
“I’ve often seen but just accomplished record that night,” explained Dintok at his home on Monday (8/16/2010).
Dintok explain, first appeared in a loud voice sounded like a high-level electric current (SUTET) that konslet. Yet after that appear blue and reddish-colored objects floating in space.
The results were also recorded Dinto click amazed inevitably invite people around. The neighbors flocked to the house Dantok just saw the video.



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